Faculty Engagement Initiative

The Faculty Engagement Initiative (FEI) is a program created by the Georgetown University Alumni Association to connect faculty with local alumni, parents, and friends during their travels throughout the world. Through FEI, faculty receive a $500 honorarium for sharing their research and expertise during an in-person engagement with one of Georgetown University’s international alumni clubs.

Types of Engagements

Engagements differ depending on the alumni club, but the general format is a lecture or presentation for 20 to 35 people followed by a question-and-answer session. Other formats may include meet and greets and book signings. Events can last one to two hours, depending on the specific club and event.

How to Participate

If you are interested in participating, please email facultytravel@georgetown.edu with the following information:

  • your travel location;​
  • dates of travel; and
  • a brief sentence or two on the topic of presentation.

The Regional Engagement Team member responsible for the region you will be visiting will reach out to the local alumni club. If there is interest in hosting, the club leaders, faculty member, and Regional Engagement Team member will work together to organize the event. In order to allow for a successful event, we recommend six to eight weeks’ notice for any travel plans. Please note that events are contingent upon alignment with Alumni Club programming schedules.


Once the event has been completed, the alumni association will provide an honorarium of $500 to the faculty member and conduct other post-event follow-up. Please note that faculty may participate in multiple events, but are limited to one honorarium per fiscal year.


Any questions about the Faculty Engagement Initiative can be directed to facultytravel@georgetown.edu.