Georgetown University has a rich history of dialogue and engagement with the Asia-Pacific region, and in particular with China.

Georgetown’s involvement with China dates back to the second half of the nineteenth century when graduates began to travel to Asia and pursue diplomacy and commerce. In 2016, Georgetown launched an Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue on Global Issues, a university platform for engagement among scholars, students, and practitioners to advance dialogue and promote solutions to global challenges ranging from climate change to peace and security. The China Forum for Civilizational Dialogue, a collaboration between Georgetown and La Civiltà Cattolica that convenes Chinese and Western thinkers around global topics, was founded in 2018.

Beyond China, Georgetown’s schools are actively engaging with the region through research, teaching, and dialogue around pressing issues. The School of Foreign Service (SFS) houses the Asian Studies program and the Center for Australian, New Zealand and Pacific Studies. In 2025, SFS also launched the Georgetown SFS Asia Pacific program in Jakarta, Indonesia–a new initiative to engage faculty and students on the challenges of the Global South and the Asia-Pacific region. Within the College of Arts & Sciences, the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean language programs encompass language, literature, and cultural studies. At Georgetown Law, the Center for Asian Law promotes scholarly exchange and joint research with colleagues across the region.

Students engage in bidirectional exchange in Senegal

School of Foreign Service students spent spring break engaging thoughtfully with host communities and gaining insight into diverse worldviews in Ghana, Taiwan, Romania, and more.

M.A. in Asian Studies
The School of Foreign Service sponsors this M.A. program. Participants study core disciplines in the humanities and social sciences as they relate to Asia.
Graduate Certificate in Asian Studies
This graduate certificate program is sponsored by the Asian Studies Program in the School of Foreign Service. Participants are required to demonstrate proficiency in a language indigenous to Asia and to complete five relevant courses.
Bilden Asian Studies Fund
With the generosity of Georgetown University graduates Philip (F'86) and Patricia (C'85) Bilden, the Bilden Asian Studies Fund allows the Center for Security Studies to support faculty research and teaching, host policy discussions, and educate…