Languages and Literature

Languages and Literature

Georgetown University has a longstanding tradition of excellence in the study of foreign languages.

The university’s Faculty of Languages and Linguistics is among the leaders in the field. Georgetown has seven modern foreign language departments and three additional departments dedicated to English, classics, and linguistics. Faculty research spans a diverse range of topics, including cross-cultural communication, phonetics, foreign language learning, and comparative literature. Through these departments, the university offers numerous academic programs that encourage language proficiency and provide students with opportunities for cultural immersion abroad. All of Georgetown’s programs are tied together by the common goal of serving the global community and fostering intercultural dialogue and understanding.

Old fashioned books on a wood shelf
The Comparative Literature Program is an area of study and undergraduate major offered by the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics in the College of Arts & Sciences. It offers the opportunity to acquire expertise in and to analyze two or more linguistic, literary and cultural traditions.
Students from the English Language Center take a selfie
The English Language Center is a communication training center at Georgetown offering English as a foreign language programs and special programs for professional communication and teacher training.


B.S. in International Business, Language, and Culture

Certificate in African Studies

Certificate in Arab Studies

Certificate in Eurasian, Russian, and East European Studies

Certificate in European Studies

Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

English Language Center Custom English and Teacher Training

French Language Institute

French Major with Business Coursework

Graduate Certificate in African Studies

Graduate Certificate in Arab Studies

Graduate Certificate in Asian Studies

Graduate Certificate in Eurasian, Russian, and East European Studies

Graduate Certificate in Latin American Studies

Indian Ocean Studies Minor

J.D./M.A. in Arab Studies

J.D./M.A. in German and European Studies

M.A. in Arab Studies

M.A. in Arab Studies/Ph.D. in Arabic and Islamic Studies

M.A. in Arab Studies/Ph.D. in Government

M.A. in Arab Studies/Ph.D. in History

M.A. in Arabic and Islamic Studies

M.A. in Asian Studies

M.A. in Communication, Culture, and Technology

M.A. in English

M.A. in Eurasian, Russian, and East European Studies

M.A. in German

M.A. in German and European Studies

M.A. in German and European Studies/Master of Public Policy

M.A. in German and European Studies/Ph.D. in German

M.A. in German and European Studies/Ph.D. in Government

M.A. in German and European Studies/Ph.D. in History

M.A. in Italian Studies

M.A. in Language and Communication

M.A. in Latin American Studies

M.A. in Latin American Studies/Ph.D. in Government

M.S. in Linguistics

M.S. in Spanish Linguistics

M.S. in Spanish Literature and Cultural Studies

Major in Arabic

Major in Black Studies

Major in Chinese Language Studies

Major in Classics

Major in Culture and Politics

Major in English

Major in French

Major in German

Major in Global and Comparative Literature

Major in Italian

Major in Japanese Language Studies

Major in Korean Language Studies

Major in Linguistics

Major in Portuguese

Major in Russian

Major in Spanish

Major in Spanish and Portuguese Studies

Master of Arts in the Engaged and Public Humanities

Minor in Arabic

Minor in Black Studies

Minor in Chinese Language Studies

Minor in Classics

Minor in English

Minor in French

Minor in German

Minor in Italian

Minor in Japanese Language Studies

Minor in Jewish Civilization

Minor in Korean Language Studies

Minor in Latin American Studies

Minor in Medical Humanities, Culture, and Society

Minor in Modern Greek

Minor in Modern Hebrew

Minor in Persian Language and Culture

Minor in Portuguese

Minor in Russian

Minor in Russian Literature and Culture

Minor in Spanish

Minor in Turkish

Ph.D. in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Ph.D. in German

Ph.D. in Linguistics

Ph.D. in Spanish Linguistics

Ph.D. in Spanish Literature and Cultural Studies

Post-Baccalaureate Program in Classics

Russian Major with Business Coursework

Study Abroad in Milan, Italy - Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Two-Year LL.M. with a Certificate in Legal English

Undergraduate Certificate in American Studies

Undergraduate Certificate in Asian Studies

Undergraduate Certificate in South Asian Studies

Undergraduate Certificate of Arab and Regional Studies