SFS Students Go Global Over Spring Break
School of Foreign Service students spent spring break engaging thoughtfully with host communities and gaining insight into diverse worldviews in Ghana, Taiwan, Romania, and more.
School of Foreign Service students spent spring break engaging thoughtfully with host communities and gaining insight into diverse worldviews in Ghana, Taiwan, Romania, and more.
The GU Global Database includes 2000+ organizations, activities and faculty connected with the university's global engagement.
Georgetown students take courses with internationally renowned scholars and practitioners, explore international issues in depth through guided research, and integrate global experiences into their studies.
Georgetown students participate in a vibrant and diverse community, engage in a broad range of co-curricular activities, and take advantages of internship and other opportunities in Washington, D.C.
International students, who represent over 125 nations, are a key part of the culturally diverse campus community and actively contribute to the university's global learning environment.