Today’s world economies face a growing array of challenges that present both opportunities and threats to their societies’ prosperity. These difficulties stem from a range of technological, social, political, demographic, and environmental factors. While some issues are unique to a specific region or country, as the interconnectedness among economies continues to increase, the well-being of one economy has increasingly important implications for others.
To confront these challenges, we will require multiple avenues to facilitate open exchanges and promote potential policy solutions. In this context, Georgetown University has joined with prominent research and policy institutions around the world to convene the Global Economic Challenges (GEC) Network. This network will sponsor a series of international workshops that bring together leading scholars with policymakers to discuss the most important and pressing economic problems of the twenty-first century.
Dr. Francis Vella, the Edmond V. Villani Professor of Economics, coordinates Georgetown’s participation in the network.
GEC Network Members
Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Solvay Brussels School Economics and Management, Brussels
Institute for Fiscal Studies, London
Department of Economics, Sciences Po, Paris
Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research, University of Melbourne, Melbourne
Banco de España, DG Economics, Statistics and Research, Madrid
Center for Monetary and Financial Studies (CEMFI), Madrid
Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF), Rome
Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research, Athens
Insper Institute of Education and Research, São Paulo