SFS Students Go Global Over Spring Break
School of Foreign Service students spent spring break engaging thoughtfully with host communities and gaining insight into diverse worldviews in Ghana, Taiwan, Romania, and more.
Georgetown University has strong academic ties with Europe and a long history of engaging with the region.
School of Foreign Service students spent spring break engaging thoughtfully with host communities and gaining insight into diverse worldviews in Ghana, Taiwan, Romania, and more.
Founded in 1990, the BMW Center for German and European Studies in the Walsh School of Foreign Service offers an undergraduate certificate and graduate degree programs with interdisciplinary research and teaching on Germany and modern Europe.
Established in 1959, the Center for Eurasian, Russian, and East European Studies is an academic center at the School of Foreign Service offering an undergraduate certificate and graduate degree programs providing an in-depth understanding of regional…
The Center for Transnational Legal Studies (CTLS) is a legal education program located in London, United Kingdom. CTLS is a global partnership of which the Law Center is a founding member.
Established in 1979, the Villa Le Balze is an overseas academic center in Fiesole, Italy, operated by the Office of Global Education and the Office of Global Services. It hosts undergraduate study abroad programs as well as university and community…
Past Event
March 24
Households in the Twenty-first Century: Marriage, Fertility, and Challenges for Public Policy
Past Event
March 17
Past Event
March 14
A.B. Language/M.A. in German and European Studies
Accelerated B.A./M.A. in Italian Studies
Certificate in Eurasian, Russian, and East European Studies
Certificate in European Studies
English Language Center Custom English and Teacher Training
French Major with Business Coursework
Global Competitiveness Leadership Program
Graduate Certificate in Eurasian, Russian, and East European Studies
J.D./M.A. in German and European Studies
Law Center Master in Management/LL.M. Dual Degree Program - HEC Paris
Law Center MBA/LL.M. Dual Degree Program - HEC Paris
LL.M. in Global Health Law and Governance
LL.M./Master of International Affairs Dual Degree Program - Sciences Po
M.A. in Eurasian, Russian, and East European Studies
M.A. in German and European Studies
M.A. in German and European Studies/Master of Public Policy
M.A. in German and European Studies/Ph.D. in German
M.A. in German and European Studies/Ph.D. in Government
M.A. in German and European Studies/Ph.D. in History
M.S. in Spanish Literature and Cultural Studies
Major in Regional and Comparative Studies
Major in Spanish and Portuguese Studies
Master in Public Policy/Master in Science in Sustainability and Social Innovation - HEC Paris
McCourt School Master of Public Policy/Master in Management Dual Degree Program - HEC Paris
Minor in Russian Literature and Culture
Ph.D. in Spanish Literature and Cultural Studies
Russian Major with Business Coursework
Study Abroad in Milan, Italy - Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
Study Abroad in Paris, France: Economic Law - Sciences Po
Wallenberg International Fellows Program - Stockholm School of Economics