Business and the Economy

Business and the Economy

Georgetown is home to a variety of leading experts and teaching and learning opportunities related to the global economy.

The McDonough School of Business offers a dynamic range of programs in undergraduate, graduate, and executive business education that engage international issues. Faculty and programs in Georgetown’s other schools—from the Economics Department in the College of Arts & Sciences to the Walsh School of Foreign Service and the Law Center—also address business and the global economy across disciplinary perspectives, with attention to their ethical dimensions. Georgetown’s Washington, D.C. location enables faculty and students to engage with the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and other leading economic institutions.

Construction site
The Steers Center for Global Real Estate was founded in 2015 in the McDonough School of Business. It offers a specialized curriculum, experiential learning opportunities, and internship placements to undergraduate and graduate students, providing them with access to the global real estate industry.
Fisher Colloquium bridge with flags
The McDonough School of Business sponsors this Global Business Initiative at Georgetown, which seeks to make the business school the premier destination for global business education by forming partnerships with schools, organizations, and companies in Washington, DC, and around the world.
View of three skyscrapers looking up from the ground
Business for Impact is founded on the belief that business can be powerful force for good. Its mission is to solve the world's most pressing issues through delivering world-class education, impactful student experience and direct action with global companies, nonprofits and government leaders.
