Students participating in the MBA Global Business Experience in Peru

Global Fellowships and Grants

Georgetown University offers a wide range of global fellowship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. These fellowships and grants fund international travel, research, independent projects, and internships throughout the year. The Georgetown University College of Arts & Sciences, School of Foreign Service, McDonough School of Business, School of Nursing, and School of Health, as well as a variety of Georgetown graduate programs, offer specialized fellowships for their students.

Undergraduate Fellowships, Grants, and Global Opportunities 

African Studies: Alternative Spring Break in Kenya

Eligibility: Undergraduate students
Duration: Full-time spring break 
Description: This spring break trip combines lessons in international development and historical analysis with site visits and outdoor adventures in Kenya. 

Beeck Center GU Impacts Program

Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate
Duration: Six weeks of workshop during spring, 10 weeks on the ground during summer, and programming in the fall
Description: GU Impacts provides Georgetown students with experiential learning opportunities through immersion in cutting-edge organizations and social enterprises in public, private and non-profit sectors around the world. 
Related: Students Build Businesses in Panama, Rwanda through Social Entrepreneurship Program

Berkley Center/ CSJ Education and Social Justice Project

Eligibility: Undergraduate 
Duration: Three weeks during summer, with presentations in the fall
Description: This program sends four to five students abroad each summer to conduct research on linkages between education and social justice in developing countries, with a focus on the work of Jesuit institutions.
Related: Education and Social Justice Project Addresses Poverty Through EducationHoyas Translate Academic Excellence into Social Justice through Research Fellowship

BSFS Circumnavigator Grant

Eligibility: Juniors in the SFS
Duration: 90 days during summer
Description: One member of the SFS junior class is awarded a $9,000 Raymond Dinsmore Fellowship to undertake a round-the-world research project to explore an international problem or issue to contribute to our understanding of world conditions.

BSFS Dean's Undergraduate Fund

Eligibility: SFS undergraduate students
Duration: Fall and spring semesters
Description: The SFS Dean’s Fund offers academic year grants for either thesis projects or other academic research. Students may apply in groups or individually.

Child Family Health International: South Africa

Eligibility: NHS undergraduate students (prefers nursing seniors, but non-nursing juniors and seniors are also eligible)
Duration: 2 weeks during January of winter break
Description: This program focuses on HIV/AIDS in South African healthcare, and is provided by Child Family Health International for undergraduate students in the NHS, particularly senior nursing students with advanced clinical skills. Students are accompanied by Georgetown faculty. 

CSJ Alternative Breaks Program

Eligibility: Undergraduate
Duration: Full-time spring break; full-time President’s Day weekend
Description: This program consists of student-led, social justice-oriented trips during breaks in the academic calendar, immersing participants in communities across the United States and abroad.
Related: Alternative Breaks Program Immerses Students in Global and Domestic Social Justice Issues

CSJ Andretta Summer Research Fellowship

Eligibility: Undergraduate rising senior
Duration: Eight weeks during summer
Description: This fellowship provides support for one rising senior to conduct research on a global social justice issue with the guidance of a faculty sponsor.

Davis Projects for Peace

Eligibility: Undergraduate 
Duration: Full-time summer
Description: Through David Projects for Peace, students design their own grassroots peace projects anywhere in the world, focusing on conflict transformation, reconciliation, building understanding and breaking down barriers which cause conflict.
Related: Empowering Women and Youth Through Storytelling: 2016 and 2017 Projects for Peace

Department of French: John Carroll Summer Internship Program at Saint-Omer

Eligibility: Undergraduate
Duration: Six weeks during summer
Description: The Department of French offers its students a six-week professional experience in Saint-Omer, France. Students intern in local museums, government offices, tourist destinations, natural parks, and multinational corporations based in Saint-Omer while living with local families.
Related: Internship Program in Saint-Omer, France, Provides Professional Development in French Language 

Georgetown Kalorama Fellowship

Eligibility: Undergraduate (prefer seniors)
Duration: Part-time summer
Description: Kalorama Fellowships provide undergraduate students with funding to pursue mentored but relatively independent research experiences. The projects are conceived by student applicants in collaboration with faculty. 
Related: Kalorama Fellowship Funds Independent Study Research

Georgetown Raines Fellowship

Eligibility: Sophomores and juniors
Duration: Part-time summer
Description: The Raines Fellowship involves an independent research project built on the student’s previous academic experiences and areas of expertise. Each Raines scholar is required to identify an academic mentor corresponding to the project’s subject.

Georgetown Social Innovation and Public Service Fund (SIPS)

Eligibility: Undergraduate
Duration: Fall, spring, and/or summer
Description: The SIPS Fund has allocated grants and awards to Georgetown students and alumni for projects, social enterprises, nonprofits, and support for unpaid internships that work for positive social impact and embody the Jesuit tradition of service to others.
Related: Social Innovation and Public Service Fund Allocates Awards to Students and Alumni Developing Ventures for the Public Good

Georgetown Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (GUROP)

Eligibility: Undergraduate
Duration: Part-time fall, spring, and/or summer
Description: GUROP provides an experiential learning opportunity for students to assist with faculty research projects domestically or internationally.

GU Initiative for Innovation, Development and Evaluation (gui2de)

Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate students
Duration: Two months during summer
Description: Gui2de offers internships for both undergraduate and graduate Georgetown students with a focus on economics and development. Students are placed in locations where gui2de has current research projects, including East Africa and India.
Related: Global Podcast: Georgetown's “Zusha!” Campaign Prevents Road Fatalities in Kenya

The Global Business Fellows Program

Eligibility: Sophomore SFS and MSB students 
Duration: Two-year program
Description: This program brings together a cohort of 30 students from the SFS and MSB in a multifaceted global business curriculum in business, international affairs, economics, and language. The curriculum includes a Global Business Experience at an international location in which students consult for a multinational firm.
Related: Georgetown McDonough Teaches Business with No Borders

NHS International Health Practical Experience Abroad

Eligibility: Seniors studying International Health 
Duration: Full-time fall semester
Description: Since 2003, the Department of International Health has sent all of their undergraduate students to conduct research abroad as part of their degree requirement.
Related: NHS Sends Seniors Overseas Through the Global Health Practical Experience Abroad

SFS Alvarez Memorial Scholarship

Eligibility: SFS undergraduate with financial need 
Duration: Fall, spring, and summer
Description: This fund provides scholarship awards to students in the SFS who, due to limited financial resources, would otherwise be unable to accept non-paying public interest internships or research assistantships. 

SFS Center Scholars

Eligibility: SFS undergraduate students
Duration: Application process begins in March and program begins during fall
Description: The SFS Scholars Program will place students in different research centers, often tied to master’s programs, throughout the SFS to work on professional projects, conduct advanced research, get to know graduate faculty and master’s students, and engage the intellectual life of the programs. 

SFS Mortara Undergraduate Research Fellows (MURFs) Program

Eligibility: SFS first-year students
Duration: Four-year program
Description: Five first-year SFS students are selected in the spring semester and paired with a faculty mentor to gain hands on experience as a research assistant working on advanced research methods and projects with the goal of carrying out their own independent research in their third and fourth year.
Related: Students Present at the First Mortara Undergraduate Research Fellows Symposium

SFS Institute for the Study of Diplomacy (ISD) Fellows in Diplomacy

Eligibility: SFS undergraduate and graduate students 
Duration: Fall semester to spring semester
Description: The ISD Fellows in Diplomacy program pairs students with advisers to pursue independent research projects that focus on ongoing and emerging diplomatic issues. The research project culminates in a substantial (30-page) study. 

Graduate Fellowships, Grants, and Global Opportunities

Beeck Center GU Impacts Program 

Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate
Duration: Six weeks of workshop during spring, 10 weeks on the ground during summer, and programming in the fall
GU Impacts provides Georgetown students with experiential learning opportunities through immersion in cutting-edge organizations and social enterprises in public, private and non-profit sectors around the world. 

Center for Latin American Studies: International Internships and Travel Grants

Eligibility: Graduate
Duration: Full-time summer
Description: International internship and travel research grants support students who wish to work or conduct research in Latin America during the summer.
Related: Travel Grants Support Graduate Student Research and Internships in Latin America

Conflict Resolution Summer Field Program

Eligibility: First-year graduate students 
Duration: Full-time summer
Description: The Conflict Resolution program offers an intensive international summer internship program for first-year students. Selected students apply to be placed at leading local and international organizations conducting innovative peacebuilding and conflict resolution work.

GU Initiative for Innovation, Development and Evaluation (gui2de)

Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate students 
Duration: Two months during summer 
Description: Gui2de offers internships for both undergraduate and graduate Georgetown students with a focus on economics and development. Students are placed in locations where gui2de has current research projects, including East Africa and India.
Related: Global Podcast: Georgetown's “Zusha!” Campaign Prevents Road Fatalities in Kenya

Global Business Experience (GBE): Graduate Program

Eligibility: MSB graduate students 
Duration: Part-time teamwork in GBE course; One week during spring or summer
Description: GBE begins with an intensive course, during which students spend six weeks working on an international consulting project. Student teams then travel abroad to consult in-person with their client, a fortune 500 or industry-specific company.
Related: The Global Business Experience: MBA Students Explore Hong Kong's Healthcare Market

Global Human Development (GHD) Program: Summer Field Project

Eligibility: GHD Program students 
Duration: 10-12 weeks during summer
Description: Since the establishment of the GHD Program in 2012, students have spent the summer between their two years of study working as interns at overseas field sites for 10-12 weeks with a variety of development organizations, including NGOs, aid agencies, development consulting firms, social enterprises, multinational corporations, and foundations.
Related: Experiential Learning in the SFS Global Human Development Program

Master of Science in Global Health Field Research Module and Scholarly Project Abroad

Eligibility: Master of Science in Global Health students 
Duration: 10-14 weeks during summer or fall
Description: The Master of Science in Global Health program requires all students to conduct global health-related research abroad with a partner institution in a developing country. The program gives students the opportunity to gain first-hand work experience with international organizations, such as the WHO, or research centers within the country.

McCourt Policy in Practice

Eligibility: Graduate
Duration: Throughout the year 
Description: McCourt Policy in Practice (MPiP) is a student-led organization that arranges trips for McCourt students to use policy tools to implement development projects in Central America.
Related: McCourt Students Put Policy Into Practice in Honduras 

Security Studies Program (SSP) Summer Research Grant

Eligibility: SSP students
Duration: Full-time summer
Description: The summer grant is offered to SSP students who wish to apply for funds to assist with domestic or international summer research, language immersion, and domestic or international internships. Credits from summer work are transferred to MA program.

SFS China Studies Fellowship

Eligibility: Graduate students and Georgetown alumni 
Duration: 12 months
Description: Students with advanced Chinese language ability can apply for one of two China Studies Fellowships, which cover tuition, room, and board at any graduate institute at National Chengchi University.

SFS Institute for the Study of Diplomacy (ISD) Fellows in Diplomacy

Eligibility: SFS undergraduate and graduate students 
Duration: Fall semester to spring semester
Description: The ISD Fellows in Diplomacy program pairs students with advisers to pursue independent research projects that focus on ongoing and emerging diplomatic issues. The research project culminates in a substantial (30-page) study.