Georgetown has deep and longstanding ties to Latin America through its research, teaching, and outreach activities.

The university's Center for Latin American Studies in the School of Foreign Service is a leader in the study of the region. In 2021, the Georgetown Americas Institute was launched to serve as a university platform for dialogue, research, and impact around the key challenges facing Latin America and the hemisphere. The Latin America Leadership Program (LALP) and the Center for the Advancement of the Rule of Law in the Americas (CAROLA) at Georgetown Law are among the other hubs of Latin America-related activity on campus. Georgetown's Latin American Board supports the university's engagement in the region. Georgetown's Washington, DC, location provides proximity to institutions engaged around the future of Latin America, including the Organization of American States and the Inter-American Development Bank. The university is also home to a vibrant Latin American community of students, faculty, and staff, and it hosts activities and events dedicated to Latin American culture.

Center for Latin American Studies

Established in 1990, the Center for Latin American Studies is an academic center in the Walsh School of Foreign Service offering graduate and certificate programs with a mission to provide and produce quality education, scholarship, and research on…

GCL 2024 cohort posing in the stairs of the Healy Building in Georgetown University

Pursuing the university’s mission of teaching and service for the common good, Georgetown University's Latin America Leadership Program (LALP) develops regionally-focused experiential executive education programs that aim to educate, connect, and…